Envipco Romania installed new RVMs in Green Cluj project

In July this year, Envipco Romania’s partnership with Cluj-Napoca city hall in the project “Green Cluj : Recycle and ride for free by public transportation” was extended to a new location in Cluj-Napoca, the second-largest city in Romania, and a well known IT hub.

RVM Envipco Hermes Cluj Optima-2

Optima RVMs are installed at the new location in Hermes.

The partnership started in July last year with two locations near two farmers’ markets – Zorilor and Flora. Each collection point consists of one kiosk with three U48 RVMs, for each type of package: PET, Glass, and Cans.

The new location is also close to a farmers’ market, called Hermes. This collection point is equipped with two Optima RVMs. With the simple concept of this project, people will receive a free ticket for public transportation every time they return 15 used bottles. This has been a successful project aiming to reduce littering of beverage containers and increase public transportation usage instead of personal cars.

Cluj 1 - Zorilor Market

Our RVMs stand out, capturing the attention of people around the nearby farmers' market.

In a little over one year, our RVMs collected almost 7 million packages, resulting in the distribution of more than 450,000 public transport tickets.

The project in Cluj is a trial for the upcoming Deposit Return System set to be deployed in Romania on November 30, 2023.